Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Horror of Party Beach

Nothing actually noticeably from Woody here but this is an ad for the fumetti-style mag that he and Russ Jones put together for Warren telling the story of this ultra-low-budget monster flick.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011


An interesting variation on the cover Wood inked for an early Frank Miller DD cover. It would turn out to be Woody's last work for Marvel. This is from the back cover of an issue of the UK Marvel mag, THE DAREDEVILS.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Complete Galaxy Illustrations

Okay, now THIS is new. In fact, it isn't even out for another six months but it's already available for pre-order.

Wally Wood's career in comics is legendary among the annals of comic's 
history. He rocketed to fame working on Will Eisner's The Spirit 
newspaper strip and became one of the most talented artists working for 
EC Comics during the 1950s. Wood also became a star of EC's satire 
comic, Mad, which went on to even greater success as a magazine, 
allowing the artist to apply his amazing talents in a broader spectrum. 
When the comic's industry fell on lean times during the mid 1950s, Wood 
segued into the field of science fiction pulp illustration, providing 
over 200 beautiful drawings and several color cover paintings for the 
digest magazines, particularly Galaxy. Wood left behind a legacy of 
great art, much of which has never been reprinted. This book will 
feature them all. Long time Wally Wood historian Roger Hill has spent 
the past twenty years pulling together the history of Wood's involvement 
with the pulp digests and tracking down original art for this project. 
Over half of the images have been pulled from the originals or from 
Wood's personal file copies, allowing Wood fans the finest possible 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wood at NCS--1967

Over at MIKE LYNCH CARTOONS, we find Woody amongst his peers at the 1967 annual meeting of the National Cartoonists Society. Plenty more great shots at the link.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Artist's Edition Contents

IDW's Scott Dunbier has announced the contents of IDW's Artist's Edition of Wood's EC work, now due in January.

Science Fiction:

Project... Survival WF #12
Home to Stay WF #13
There Will Come Soft Rains WF #17
A Weighty Decision WS #13
He Walked Among Us WS #13
Down to Earth WS #16
Mars is Heaven WS #18
My World WS #22
The Children WSF #23
...For Posterity WSF #24
Adaptability WSF #27
Spawn of Venus 3-D WSF

Shock and War: 

Came the Dawn Shock #9
Perimeter Frontline #15
Blockade TFT #31
Atom Bomb TFT #33
Trial by Arms TFT #34
Carl Akeley TFT #41 

Plus a cover gallery.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Captain Action Splash

One of my favorite pieces of Wood art.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bucky's Christmas Caper

Surprisingly, I haven't seen Bucky Ruckus posted anew yet this year. Not to worry, though. The 'Net being what it is, one can still find it in numerous places from previous years including from 2009 at my pal Terry Beatty's blog, scanned from the extra-large size MEDIASCENE reprint! Go! Enjoy some of Woody's best stuff!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011