Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Tom Ziuko's Sky Masters
Thanks to professional colorist Tom Ziuko for allowing me to run these two SKY MASTERS OF THE SPACE FORCE strips by Kirby and Wood as colored by Tom for Greg Theakston. Click to make 'em nice and big!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Man From Outer Space by Williamson...and Wood?
Although not listed in most Wood checklists, The Grand Comics Database speculates that Wood is inking his fellow EC sci-fi vet Al Williamson here on this 1958 Charlton story. Apparently it had previously been listed as Williamson with Sid Check. I'm not at all sure. Check's work always looked unpolished t me, even after Woody's work became very polished. I don't see a lot of things here that make me think Wood but I do see a few and they're pretty strong. What do you guys think? Bhob? David? Alan? Anyone else?
Some nifty Al Williamson art no matter who inked it!
UPDATE: David Spurlock thinks it's not even Williamson. Perhaps Dick Giordano aping the EC sci-fi style. I can kid of see that...and this was Charlton after all. Dick was doing 80% of everything at Charlton in the late fifties.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Hurry! The Bus Is Coming!
If you were a member of FOO, then you most likely own some original art by former Woodworker Paul Kirchner whether you know it or not. Here, though, is some of his best solo work in the surreal strip, THE BUS, back in print. Go here for ordering info:
Friday, March 16, 2012
Kirby and Wood, Together Again
This, from the first part of the legendary FF tale, "And a Blind Man Shall Lead Them," is perhaps the single best panel illustrating the fact that Wood inked (or redrew) the Daredevil and Matt Murdock figures throughout the issue.
Even though it's often posted that he did the same on the second part, even a basic examination of the DD figures there clearly shows them to be Vince Colletta inking Jack...and DD suffers tremendously for it. Like a number of artists and fans at the time (remember the red costume was still new!), Vince couldn't seem to get a handle on the placement of the shadow blacks on the red costume. Woody, the undisputed master of spotting blacks, could do it instinctively.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
IDW Variant Edition
Note: This is not the second printing that has just been announced but a variant edition of the first printing!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Unboxing the Artist's Edition Video
IDW has announced there will be a second printing of this fast-selling item.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
IDW's Artist's Edition--What the Fans Are Saying!
There it is in all its glory. You may have heard it was big. That's comics fan/collector/historian and former Kubie Bob Bailey showing it off for us. Bob says:
This is ten pounds of the greatest science fiction, war and shock suspense stories ever drawn! At 15" x 22" you could put legs on it and use it for a table! The Wally Wood Artists Edition is well worth whatever you have to pay for it.
Here are more comments we've received from earlier purchasers.
After persevering through delay after delay of waiting for its release I finally got my copy of IDW's Wally Wood Artists Edition, courtesy of my LCS.
It is in a word. Extraordinary. If there was ever any danger of Wally Wood slipping from his place in the pantheon of the all-time comic greats, this gorgeous colossus of book should restore him to his exalted position.
It is truism people recite that one cannot appreciate paintings in books in the same as they can beholding them in a gallery or that listening to a favourite band on an album cannot compare to doing the same in a live concert. The truism holds here again with WW Artists Edition. If you are a fan of Wally Wood and you think you've seen his work before then think again until you've held this book in your hands. It may not be the "original originals" contained in this thing of beauty, but unless you are among a handful of the world's privileged, Wally Wood Artists' Edition is the closest you will ever get to seeing and holding the real Woodwork.
More or less words than these will not do to express how amazing this book is. To truly find that out you will have to behold it for yourself.
Craig Dodge
I just received today my preordered copy of the Wally Wood Artist's Edition! No question it will become the holy grail of Wallace Wood books as it is already sold out with no reprints planned.
IDW outdid itself with this glorious book. It is huge, about 22inches tall, capturing the true size of the original pages. This is like having the original art to the EC stories, the period when Wood was at the height of his artistic genius.
For anyone interested in art, comics, illustration, sci fi, and of course Wally Wood, this is one of the most important books on the market.If you see it, buy it and if you get it put it in your will and bequeath it to someone who will value it.
Outstanding content, production values, binding, layout, extras, make this a ten star purchase!
Tom Peirce
ONE FOR THE ALIENS: If aliens came to earth and could only take ONE book about comic book art back to their planet, I would give them THIS tome, that arrived today like a gift from the Art Gods! It is beyond breathtaking, if there is such a thing, and though "only" in black and white, the literal depth of Wally Wood's artistic masterpieces herein--his shading, his use of zipatones and craftint, remains the highwater mark in comic book history--give these giant-size pages (the classic size of the twice-up original art) an almost three-dimensional feel and look (the cover particularly, with its spot-varnished astronaut figure, had a striking dimensionality that made my jaw drop like a cartoon itself)! The printing, book design, layout and typography by IDW is as gorgeous and thoughtful as this magnificent artwork deserved, and they should take a well-deserved bow for creating One For The Ages. Somewhere in Comic Art Valhalla, Woody is looking down, beaming that elfin grin of his with pride in the glorious presentation of the work he bled sweat and tears for, and perhaps wistfully wondering, had a book of this scope and scale been produced in his lifetime, he might not have taken his own life. Now you can truly rest in peace, Wallace Wood. Your legacy is safe for eternity!
-Arlen Schumer
Friday, March 2, 2012
Resurrection of an Icon