Tuesday, May 29, 2012

RBCC Cover Original Art

This is often said to be Tarzan but those wristbands make me wonder if perhaps it could have been meant as Conan whom Wood drew with a similar look in the fifties for a book cover.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wizard King Illustration With Tree

I would love to just see a compilation of Woody's trees! 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another New Wood Book!

What a year for Wood! We already have Vanguard's sc-fi collection and IDW's amazing art book (my review is still coming). Coming soon we'll see the Galaxy illustrations book, Fantagraphics' EC stories volume and the US version of last year's Spanish exhibit catalog.

Now Vanguard has announced yet another new book, this one collecting Woody's non-EC crime and horror work from the fifties.

"Vanguard Publishing continues their Wally Wood Classics series by following STRANGE WORLDS: The Science-Fiction Comics of Wally Wood with EERIE Tales of Crime & Horror! The Complete non-EC 1950s Crime & Horror Comics of Wally Wood!"

More details to follow.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Authorized Snorky Shirts

One of the benefits of the newly reorganized Wood Estate is going to be the quality, authorized merchandise that comes out, starting, apparently with this great-looking Snorky T-shirt from Graphitti Designs. Coming soon. Greps No Kapootie!


Moonie and the Spider Queen Campaign


Check out former Woodworker Nick Cuti's plans for his longtime fan-favorite character, MOONIE!