Friday, June 22, 2012
Heroes Con Inkwell Hall of Fame Award--2011
Inkwell ambassador J. David Spurlock, the representative for the Wood Estate, accepted the posthumous "Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame Award" and made a statement on behalf of the estate.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Woody's Birthday
Our artistic hero would have been 85 today. Here's he's seen in the transparent disguise of Weed (albeit with logo change). Is this, then, the way Wally Wood saw himself?
Monday, June 11, 2012
Isn't It Romantic?
Spotted on Tumbl'r. Said to be a color rough by Wood for an early romance cover but looks like it could be a horror comic cover, as well!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Wood Tattoo
Thanks to my FB friend (and obvious Wood fan) Salvatore Taranatola for allowing me to share this image of his fresh body art from this past weekend! Says his next will be Moebius!