Saturday, July 28, 2012
Witzend Announcement
From MAD's letter column. Presumably an actual letter from Wood, then relatively recently departed from the ranks of the Usual Gang of Idiots, in order to announce the creation of WITZEND.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
More Romance
Thanks to Bruce Haley for yet another Wood/Harrison romance page, this one signed (as Bruce surmises probably at a much later date) by both artists.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Original Romance Art
Sadly I've lost track of the name of the person who sent me these scans a while back but thanks! These are from an early romance comic (with Harrison? Orlando?) and the scanner even provided close-up insets.
UPDATE: Received an email from Bill Devine reminding me that he was the one who sent these images on. Thanks, Bill!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Larry Hama Signing
Larry Hama SIGNING Wally Wood PANELS THAT ALWAYS WORK at Comic-Con, Friday the 13th, 10:30 AM, Both 1709
Wallace Wood assistant Larry Hama famously pasted-up Xeroxes of Wood's work to conveniently fit on a single page. This new Wood Estate authorized 11 x 17 print of Wood's "Panels" both revisits Hama's layout and is the best-quality reproduction of Wood's "Panels" ever available in a concise print format.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Woodwork Catalog
On the left you see the catalog from the Wood exhibit in Spain of a couple years back. At right is the revised cover of the upcoming US release of same from IDW.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Panels That Always Work--The Official Version!
Panels That Always Work premiers at Comic-Con--Press Release
The 2012 Comic-Con in San Diego will feature many premiers but none more notable than The Wallace Wood Estate's new print of the classic, Wally Wood Panels That
Always Work. Wood Estate Director J. David Spurlock will be on hand to premiere the new print and other Wood material at booth 1709. Spurlock said, "The Estate is proud to honor this important pioneer of artist's rights by putting this important Wood classic back in print, in an authorized, quality edition." The Estate also noted that FaceBook readers attending Comic-Con will receive a 50% discount off the
manufacturer's suggested $20 retail price on the Wood Panels print.
Wallace Wood's Panels That Always Work (subtitled, "Or some interesting ways to get some variety into those boring panels where some dumb writer has a bunch of lame characters sitting around and talking for page after page!"), has grown to be one of the Hall of Fame artists' best-remembered works. Publisher's Weekly reporter Heidi MacDonald called it "an elegantly simple primer to basic storytelling" Wood, the famous co-creator of Weird Science, Mad, Daredevil,
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and Mars Attacks originally drew the panels for his own reference. In 1980, Wood included his original 24-panel version of Panels in The Wallace Wood Sketchbook (Crouch/Wood; © Wood 1980). While Wood's historic original art for Panels That Always Work survived in the Wood archives for decades, sadly, it was consumed in the tragic fire at the home of the Estate's Director Emeritus, Bill Pearson, in 2004. Notoriety of Wood's primer grew when
ex-Wood-assistant Larry Hama, while an editor at Marvel Comics, distributed Wood's storytelling primer to artists there. Hama had pasted-up Xeroxes of Wood's work to conveniently fit on a single page but left out two of the original panels as his Xeroxes were too faint to make out Wood's lightest pencil sketches.
For more information on Wallace Wood or to contact the Wood Estate, visit the official Wallace Wood website,
Wood's Panels That Always Work is trademark & copyright Wallace Wood Properties, LLC.
The 2012 Comic-Con in San Diego will feature many premiers but none more notable than The Wallace Wood Estate's new print of the classic, Wally Wood Panels That
Always Work. Wood Estate Director J. David Spurlock will be on hand to premiere the new print and other Wood material at booth 1709. Spurlock said, "The Estate is proud to honor this important pioneer of artist's rights by putting this important Wood classic back in print, in an authorized, quality edition." The Estate also noted that FaceBook readers attending Comic-Con will receive a 50% discount off the
manufacturer's suggested $20 retail price on the Wood Panels print.
Wallace Wood's Panels That Always Work (subtitled, "Or some interesting ways to get some variety into those boring panels where some dumb writer has a bunch of lame characters sitting around and talking for page after page!"), has grown to be one of the Hall of Fame artists' best-remembered works. Publisher's Weekly reporter Heidi MacDonald called it "an elegantly simple primer to basic storytelling" Wood, the famous co-creator of Weird Science, Mad, Daredevil,
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and Mars Attacks originally drew the panels for his own reference. In 1980, Wood included his original 24-panel version of Panels in The Wallace Wood Sketchbook (Crouch/Wood; © Wood 1980). While Wood's historic original art for Panels That Always Work survived in the Wood archives for decades, sadly, it was consumed in the tragic fire at the home of the Estate's Director Emeritus, Bill Pearson, in 2004. Notoriety of Wood's primer grew when
ex-Wood-assistant Larry Hama, while an editor at Marvel Comics, distributed Wood's storytelling primer to artists there. Hama had pasted-up Xeroxes of Wood's work to conveniently fit on a single page but left out two of the original panels as his Xeroxes were too faint to make out Wood's lightest pencil sketches.
For more information on Wallace Wood or to contact the Wood Estate, visit the official Wallace Wood website,
Wood's Panels That Always Work is trademark & copyright Wallace Wood Properties, LLC.