If you're on Facebook, celebrate Wood's many contributions to the once again popular DAREDEVIL!
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Friday, October 2, 2015
Wally Wood Jungle Adventures
A couple of downright gorgeous covers for different editions of the latest Wood book from Vanguard, coming early next year: JUNGLE ADVENTURES.
(Vanguard Wally Wood Classics Vol 4)
ALMOST 200 big, 8.5 X 11 COLOR pages
DLX $69.95 - ISBN: 1-934331-73-2 (Dinosaur cover)
On Sale Date Feb 3, 2016
"Before Marvel’s Wolverine, before DC’s Animal Man, Hall of Fame comics creator Wallace “Wally” Wood created Animan! After years of development, shortly after leaving Daredevil to launch the THUNDER Agents, Wood unveiled his Animan masterpiece in early issues of his ground-breaking self-published magazine, Witzend. Vanguard continues their Wood Classics series with nearly 200 pages of Wood jungle comics spanning from the Golden Age through the 1960s with Animan, Jim King, Sabu, and much more."