Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
NSFW! Rare Gang Bang Original Wood Art
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

One of THE classic Wood-drawn EC stories is Al Feldstein's still timely "Hate" from SHOCK SUSPENSTORIES, on display today at Joe Bloke's GRANTBRIDGE STREET. Thanks, Joe.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Valiant Pencils

Most folks reading this are presumably familiar with Woody's one-Sunday audition page for PRINCE VALIANT when Hal Foster started looking at retirement in the 1970's. Although John Cullen Murphy ultimately got the gig (and did a wonderful job), Woody's page did appear in newspapers. Here, though, as found at Ferran Delgado's great Spanish language comic art blog
http://ferrandelgado.blogspot.com/ are what appear to be studies and layouts for that page.
http://ferrandelgado.blogspot.com/ are what appear to be studies and layouts for that page.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Flesh Gordon II by William Stout-1977

Over at the movie blog, TEMPLE OF SCHLOCK ( http://templeofschlock.blogspot.com/ ) they have a fascinating post featuring movie ads for movies that were never made. Here's William Stout's ad for a never produced early sequel to the surprise hit FLESH GORDON in the mid-seventies. Someone once described Stout, known for his dinosaur illustrations and bootleg record album covers, as the EC artist that never was. That's very evident here as the busy, MAD-like poster features heroes reminiscent of Williamson and Frazetta and a bunch of surrounding little guys and creatures who look as though they would be right at home in a Wally Wood page of the 1960's!
For the record, when a "sequel" finally was produced a dozen years later, it missed anything and everything that was enjoyable about te original and didn't even have the benefit of this poster!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Malfunction by Cuti and Howard

Almost missed this post from GRANTBRIDGE STREET. Charlton's MIDNIGHT TALES was a vehicle for former Woodworkers Wayne Howard and Nick Cuti. Here's a Cuti tale from that series with even more Wood-like art than usual from Howard. It's a nicely done variation on Eando Binder's classic "Adam Link" stories which had themselves been adapted twice by another former Wood associate, Joe Orlando, first for EC and later for Warren.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Madhouse Wood?

Here's a humorous monster tale from Archie Comics' MAD HOUSE ANNUAL of 1973. As that book is made up of reprints, I'm going to assume that this particular story was actually printed several years earlier. Certainly, based on the hippie jokes, no earlier than 1967 and probably no later than 1970. That part is easy. The question is: Is it by Wally Wood? As usual on MAD HOUSE stories, there are no credits here and the book is not listed in Stewart and Vadeboncouer's Checklist. GCD is silent on the contents of pretty much the whole darn series in spite of the fact that it ran in various formats for nearly two decades.
Starting out in 1959 as a late entry MAD rip-off featuring the regular Archie gang, after the first couple years, the title became a mish-mosh of pop culture humor from surfing to superheroes to monsters to hippies to whatever was "hip" at that moment.
This story could certainly be someone swiping Wood. The machinery, in fact, doesn't quiiiiite seem Woody enough. The characters, especially their faces, do, though. Even background characters. Is this Wally Wood? If not, it's certainly a good homage to Wood! I'm leaning strongly toward "Yes, " though, in this case. What do YOU think?

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sky Masters

TEN CENT DREAMS shares some SKY MASTERS OF THE SPACE FORCE today from Greg Theakston's 1980's reprinting, complete with that book's behind the scenes info on the strip's creation. Some exciting Jack Kirby/Wally Wood art! I find it a tad ironic that here, with Kirby inked by one of his all-time best inkers, an off-panel character is named "Royer." Fifteen years later, of course, Mike ROYER would become the inker most associated with the King's 1970's work both at DC and then on his return to Marvel!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Strangely Believe It With Ernie Kovacs-1958

Innovative TV funny man Ernie Kovacs was an early supporter and contributor to the magazine version of MAD, going so far as to write introductions to at least one of the book collections. For several issues in 1958, he also contributed a parody of the ever-popular RIPLEY'S "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" newspaper feature. Ernie's STRANGELY BELIEVE IT pages were drawn by...well...you guess.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Language Arts Class and Wood

My son bookdave came home from school today and informed me that, having just finished studying Kurt Vonnegut in his seventh grade Language Arts class, they were moving on to Ray Bradbury. Now this was not a surprise. The only surprise perhaps was that they did Vonnegut first. Teachers LOVE Bradbury and have ever since I was in school. He's edgy and literate but tends to be less explicit than other authors and thus less likely to annoy parents who actually pay attention to their children's schoolwork and freak at the hint of a naughty word or concept.
No, what surprised me is that, in particular, they will be studying Bradbury's classic short story--and a longtime favorite of mine--"There Will Come Soft Rains"...from the EC adaptation as illustrated by Wally Wood! Not sure what reprinted version they had but I love the fact that my son--and this PROVES he's my son--immediately recognized Woody's art and told his teacher what a great adaptation she had chosen. For the record, she was apparently not the least bit familiar with EC or Wood. BUT STILL...!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Topps Crazy Cards Fronts and Backs
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Rejected Warren Cover
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Monster World Ad
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Weird Science 18 Original Art
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