Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wayne Howard Self-Portrait

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Came the Dawn
Thursday, May 27, 2010
One of a Kind Wood Anniversary Gift

Marsha from Washington State wrote me this morning to thank me for this site. Always good to hear, of course, but in her case, it was because she was able to use the site a little more specifically recently. With her permission, I'll let her tell it:
Hello! My husband and I recently celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary and I couldn't have made my gift to him without your site. We have self imposed guidelines and budget constraints for gift giving, every gift has to be home-made and we can spend no more than $10 each on materials. I first saw Wally Woods 22 panels on your site awhile back and bookmarked the image for future use. I've attached a pic of the final result. All of the images came from your site or from links you provided. The frame and board (approx. 32.5" x 56.5") were purchased at the Goodwill for 5.99 plus tax, and the rest of my budget went to black spray paint. I printed out the back ground images on my inkjet, took them to work and ran them through the photocopier so I could mod-podge(matte finish) them to the board. After the background was complete I printed out Wally's 22 panels on thin photo-paper and used spray adhesive to attach them to the background.
Thank you again,
Marsha in Washington State=
Thanks so much for writing, Marsha! May you have many more great years and great anniversary gifts to come!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
When Al Met Wally

A. L. Sirois, a successful artist (as well as a writer and musician) himself for many years now, started out as a Woodworker in the seventies during Woody's last peak period. Here, on his always interesting blog, he tells of his first meetings with his mentor.
Apologies to Al for borrowing an image of him from Facebook.
Monday, May 24, 2010
DD & the Fellowship of Fear
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Jungle Jim Revisited

The Internet being a vast and mighty place, today we find the same JUNGLE JIM stories from yesterday along with the third story from the same issue over at Pappy's! The difference here is that Pappy gives the ever-helpful Bhob Stewart space to explain the creation of the stories in this issue! Seems they are by Wood...sorta......with the help of about a dozen or so diverse hands including Bhob himself on scripts and Steve Ditko on pencils for the cover story as seen here.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Jungle Jim
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Mr Max Meets Mr Wood
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Wally Wood Letters

Not certain how I have missed linking to this before now and I'm sure that most Wood fans have seen this already but over at TV PARTY (of all places) there is a fascinating section by John Hitchcock that details late in life correspondence with Wood. I exchanged a couple of letters myself (oddly long gone. I save everything but NOT those!!??) during the FOO period and he was cordial and optimistic. Read some of these yourself.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Menthor Original Art
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Woody's Classic Covers # 38
Monday, May 10, 2010
RIP Frank Frazetta

Wally Wood's contemporary, Frank Frazetta, went on to become the most respected fantasy artist of the latter half of the twentieth century. News comes today that Frazetta has passed. Here's a Buck Rogers cover he did for FAMOUS FUNNIES that has been said to be a tribute to Woody's style...at least as far as the machinery goes.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Flying Devil
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Wally Wood Should Have Beaten Them All

I'm not at all certain how I missed this extremely perceptive essay on Wood published back in February by author and comics historian, Dan Nadel. I see quite of few names of readers of this blog in the comments so undoubtedly many of you did NOT miss it. For those like myself that did, here's a link, courtesy of Wood superfan Greg Firmin over on Facebook. Thanks, Greg!
Sunday, May 2, 2010

It may seem somewhat heavy-handed now but T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agent Menthor was named "John Janus." Janus--as in two faced. Thus it was planned from the very beginning that he should be a traitor and leading to one of comics' most memorable death scenes...as well as redemptions. Here's an early full page pin-up of the character with his Atom-like costume.
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